July 29, 2024


 Sorry to send back to back requests regarding information for attending our 75th Birthday Celebration Picnic.


 No, we aren't going to cancel because you haven't responded.  We are however, reminded of the manners, and just being polite that our generation had instilled in us by our parents, teachers, spiritual advisors, etc.


 Many things set our John R. Buchtel High School apart. It was/is an honor to be part of the Griffin Nation.  Whether other schools called us the "cake eaters" or said our student body was "soft", we rose above it.  Classes before, and after 1967, met challenges head on, despite facing social, and/or economic circumstances.


 So, with heavy hearts, we again are asking for your cooperation in responding to the invitation for our planned August 16th, and 17th festivities. 


 Prepaid admissions are all that we can accept due to the catering company cut-off dates.  Our current need to know date is Thursday, August 8th.  


 Please accept our thanks if you have sent in your check or money order.  Also, thank you for your Zelle entry. Quick! Which, by the way is very easy to navigate through your bank.


 Take care.  Hope to see you soon.  Oh, Bill, Rod beat you by three days getting his money into Roger!  KD, you were the first on Zelle.  

 Thanks again!


Your JRBHS c/o 1967 

Birthday and Class Reunion Committee



O Buchtel High, to you we bring,
Our praises and our loyalty;

The Class of 1967 proudly presents
our very own official website. 


If you wish not to have any contact with anyone from
John R. Buchtel High School,
please be courteous enough to drop Beverly
or Yvonne a note or call
so that we(includes other classmates)
don't waste a lot of precious
time and effort trying to find you. 
We will respect your wishes and privacy.

"If life ain't the party you thought
it would be, DANCE anyway!



Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. - Ralph Waldo Emerson"

from Akron Public Schools: 

Let your smile change the world;
don't let the world change your smile!


“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”​





Check out our Hits Counter

This is the 21st Century, the 'Electronic Age'! 

Our website address is:



**** FYI 7/2024 ****
 Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, please email [BBL]. Thanks.


Summer 2024

 "Save the Dates!”


“Spread the Word!" 


Dearest Classmate,


We continue to hope and pray that all is well with you.  Global warming is a real experience.  Ask Gerry up there in Alaska, or Merle and Cathy both in Canada.  NorthEastern Ohio did not have the cooling Lake Erie effect.  It was HOT, very HOT!!!!  

Ok, so it cooled down to 73 degrees, and we turned off the air conditioners, some used a light blanket to sleep under.  

But, we digress!  It is time to request your retirement funds withdrawal before you forget.  Then, please, please, please, send your Birthday Picnic Celebration admission and/or donation at your earliest convenience. 

We now have ZELLE *** available for you.

We still need for you to “Save the Dates” and “Spread the Word!"  
Our 75th Birthday Celebration Weekend is right around the corner!  WOW!!


We will begin our festivities on Friday, August 16, 2024, at the

Highland Square Market and Cafe

867 W. Market Street

Akron, OH 44303  



Stop by around 4:00 PM to enjoy and shoot the breeze with old and new friends. Come early for outdoor seating. Food and beverages can be purchased at the street level Market before 8:00 PM.  You are permitted to bring only those purchases upstairs.    The Cafe also offers an extensive gourmet menu, selected wines, juices, beer and cocktail bar services.


We also want to especially welcome you to our

John R. Buchtel High School

Class of 1967

Picnic Birthday Party

Saturday, August 17, 2024 

Wingfoot Lake State Park

993 Goodyear Park Blvd

Mogadore/Suffield, OH  44260

The Dogwood Pavilion


11:00 AM until your first YAWN!!!!!




Please come early.  The park is entertaining in and of itself.  There are walking trails, mini golfing, paddle and pontoon boat rentals, archery, onshore fishing, bird watching, etc., and playground areas.


 Classmates and friends, for your Birthday listening and dancing pleasure from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM, "Justin Other Band" will be playing some funky music.  Our friend and classmate “Dondi” Guy Bascetta is their drummer, https://youtu.be/AU667-1PcZE.


 Plan for lots of catching up with old friends, reminiscing, food, and fun. We will also have a few games, and more fun and laughter.

Also, we will have an informal ideas meeting for our next Class Reunion to be held in 2027.

Remember, our last Reunion in 2022?  We had a virtual meeting for our 55th Reunion on ZOOM.  


Anywho, anyway, again, we digress!
Back to the important information.

Wingfoot opens at 9 AM.
Plan your arrival any time after 11 AM.

Early Bird complimentary pastries and coffee

All are welcome.   


Dinner will be served at 4:00 PM Sharp!!

Catered by:  Eisele Catering of Mantua, Ohio

Our Menu:

bbq chicken, 

baby back ribs, 

baked beans, 

homemade 8 cheeses macaroni and cheese, 

trays of fruits, and  vegetables

Birthday Cake for the 'Cake Eaters!'



 take care and be responsible 

(cups and ice will be provided)

Ohio single day/event Liquor License permit has been purchased.

All alcoholic beverages must be consumed in cups.

No obvious drinking from cans nor bottles unless it's  water. 


Cost for Saturday is $30 per person ZELLE ***  


Checks or Money Orders to:

Roger W. Hoover

c/o Buchtel Class of 1967

266 Gleason Avenue

Akron, OH


***We now have a digital account through Zelle. 

Our phone link for Zelle: 330-608-8040 

Please let us know if there is any problem or an issue. 

As you may know, this is a new endeavor for a certain person that creates the website.    

Zelle payments use 330-608-8040

Donations will be accepted at any time. 

Send to Roger, thank you. 
You may also use our Zelle number.    

General questions and comments may be directed to yjbrooks@aol.com

Website address:   http://Buchtel1967.myevent.com 

Best Wishes for YOUR Birthday,

John R. Buchtel High School Class of 1967 Reunion and Birthday Committee

JRBHS Class of 1967

Yvonne, Carol, Becky, Rod, Roger, and Beverly**


**Big Mac was first introduced in 1967 US$0.45, franchise in Uniontown, PA, added to McDonald's nationwide menu 1968








get another job?
change your internet provider?
cancel your landline?
change your phone carrier?

do you prefer a text message alert?
do we have your current number?


Technology is great if you can keep up with it.  

It's up to you to make sure that we have your information.

   Email to YJB.







Image result for 50th graduation reunion 




 Spring 2024

 "Save the Dates”


“Spread the Word!" 


Dearest Classmate,

We hope and pray all is well with you.  Wasn't the Total Solar Eclipse a sight to behold?!!  It was an awesome experience for those that were in the viewing path.  To gaze up at it in person, and/or to view photographs afterwards was unforgettable to say the least.    

We can't top the eclipse, but it is our shining pleasure to ask for your assistance to

“Save the Dates” and “Spread the Word!"  

Our 75th Birthday Celebration Weekend is right around the corner!  WOW!!

We will begin our festivities on Friday, August 16, 2024, at the

Highland Square Market and Cafe

867 W. Market Street

Akron, OH 44303  


Stop by around 4:00 PM. to enjoy and shoot the breeze with old and new friends. Come early for outdoor seating. Food and beverages can be purchased at the street level Market before 8:00 PM. You are permitted to bring only those purchases upstairs.     The Cafe also offers an extensive gourmet menu, selected wines, juices, beer and cocktail bar services.


We also want to especially welcome you to our

John R. Buchtel High School

Class of 1967

Picnic Birthday Party

Saturday, August 17, 2024 

Wingfoot Lake State Park

993 Goodyear Park Blvd

Mogadore/Suffield, OH  44260

The Dogwood Pavilion

11:00 AM until your first YAWN!!!!!


Please come early.  The park is entertaining in and of itself.  There are walking trails, mini golfing, paddle and pontoon boat rentals, archery, onshore fishing, bird watching, etc., and playground areas .


 Classmates and friends, for your Birthday listening and dancing pleasure from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM, "Justin Other Band" will be playing some funky music.  Our friend and classmate “Dondi” Guy Bascetta is their drummer, https://youtu.be/AU667-1PcZE.

 Plan for lots of catching up with old friends, reminiscing, food, and fun. We will also have a few games, and more fun and laughter.  


Wingfoot opens at 9 AM.

Plan your arrival any time after 11 AM.

Early Bird complimentary pastries and coffee

All are welcome.   


Dinner will be served at 4:00 PM Sharp!!

Catered by:  Eisele Catering of Mantua, Ohio

Our Menu:

bbq chicken, 

baby back ribs, 

baked beans, 

homemade 8 cheeses macaroni and cheese, 

trays of fruits, and  vegetables

Birthday Cake for the 'Cake Eaters!'


 take care and be responsible 

(cups and ice will be provided)

Ohio single day/event Liquor License permit has been purchased


Cost for Saturday is $30 per person  


Checks or Money Orders to:

Roger W. Hoover

c/o Buchtel Class of 1967

266 Gleason Avenue

Akron, OH


***We now have a digital account through Zelle.

Our Zelle phone link is 330-608-8040 



Please let us know if there is any problem or an issue. 

As you may know, this is a new endeavor for a certain person.    

Donations will be accepted at any time, send to Roger thank you. 

You may also use the Zelle phone number. 

Questions and comments may be directed to yjbrooks@aol.com


Website address:   http://Buchtel1967.myevent.com 

Best Wishes for YOUR Birthday,

John R. Buchtel High School Class of 1967 Reunion and Birthday Committee

JRBHS Class of 1967

Yvonne, Carol, Becky, Rod, Roger, and Beverly





SOCIAL: noun: an informal social gathering, especially one organized by the members of a particular club or group
SOCIAL: noun: an informal social gathering, especially one organized by the members of a particular club or group



August, 2023


Hello Classmates,
Hope that you are doing well since we last touched base with each other.  
Right now, we are in the initial phase of planning our next milestone birthday party (75 yrs!).  Hope that you were satisfied with our 70th birthday festivities.  We will try to accommodate everyone's suggestion(s), but you must first let us know what's on your mind and/or heart.
Since many of us have completely retired, we thought it better to move the month up to August.  Beverly is wondering if a one day liquor permit is necessary for us to purchase.  Let us know, there is plenty of time to apply for it.
What would you like to eat?  Please don't suggest that anyone cook or bring goodies.  Pandemic panic put a freeze on that option - period.  Anyway, reply with your suggestion(s), whether negative and/or positive to our email at your earliest convenience.
Those of you in the East, West, North and South, climate change is real.  Be safe, stay as healthy as possible, and if you believe in a Higher Power, be thankful.  Time to think about that short poignant movie on our website about "The Dash Movie".
Other than that,  take care of yourself.  Don't forget to make suggestions for our birthday celebration.
Thanks a bunch. 
Touch base with you sooner or later. 
John R. Buchtel High School
 Class of 1967
Reunion/Birthday Committee
Yvonne, Roger, Becky, Carol, Rod and Beverly







August, 2022
Dearest Classmate,


We apologize for our delayed 55th class reunion announcement. We sincerely hope that this email finds you enjoying your day to the fullest for your situation in life.   


It is with great joy that we invite you to attend our 2022 Virtual Visions Reunion. The Pre-Social, the Summer Social, and the After Social.  We're calling it a "Summer Social" because it will be an informal affair times three.  We want every classmate to attend at least one of our Socials (PLEASE).   


Let's first discuss the "Pre Social" that will be held very, verysoon.  Have you ever attended a Zoom, or Google Meet?  Below is a tutorial from YouTube on how to participate on Zoom.  If you have a smart phone, a PC, tablet or laptop all have the capacity for video, audio and microphone transmissions.  We will be sending a link to join our "Pre Social" on Thursday, August 25th at 7:00 PM DST, Ohio time. Bring your smile, a decent background, and join us.  Hope to see you there.  Please don't be alarmed if something doesn't click on Zoom.  No video, and/or no audio-don't despair.  Send an email, we'll give you a recap.  Practice with someone if you'd like and set up a meeting.  It's free for forty minutes or less. Practice. Don't wait until the last minute. 


Next, the "After Social" is almost a mirror to the "Pre Social".  The "AfterSocial" will be held-duh! after the "Summer Social.”  Please join us with the new Zoom link on, Wednesday,September 21st at 7:00 PM DST Ohio time.  If you need any assistance with the Zoom, we are here to assist you.  Included with the tutorial links below, "Steps to downloading Zoom" is a great help for beginners.
OK, hope you're still onboard, now let's discuss the "
Summer Social".   


First of all, a quick shout out to our newest Committee member, Rod Siddall.  There's room for you too, dear classmate, long distance or nearby, we'd enjoy having you aboard.  Thank you for the word Rod, we're running with it.  Welcome dear friend.      




John R. Buchtel High School 

Class of 1967 
Summer Social 2022



Welcome to our Class of 1967  Summer Socialto be held on  Saturday, September 17th at5:00 PM  at the  Mustard Seed Café upstairs patio at Highland Square, 867 West Market Street.  Yes, where we had our Friday night 70th Birthday Celebration. The Summer Social will be a 'Buy what you'd like'. There is a fully stocked salad bar, fresh hot and cold food, beer, wine, spirits, and international groceries in the lower level Mustard Seed Market.  Purchases may be brought upstairs to the Café, or, just order from their extensive menu from their wait staff, or go up front and place your order.  You'll enjoy it either way.  We will purchase dry table snacks.  We mean potato chips, pretzels, nachos.  If you work it right, your out of pocket cost per person should be approximately twenty dollars ($20).  That's a savings of over forty dollars ($40) based on if we went to a restaurant and/or hotel.  Hold up now, put your savings aside for 2024, the '49ers will celebrate our 75th birthdays.
Well that's about it for our Virtual Visions 2022 55th Class Reunion.
We sincerely hope to see you in the physical sense, and/or cyber sense.
Whatever makes sense for you dear classmate.
Again, apologies for the delay. Also, your Committee member in charge of the website and FaceBook entries apologizes also for not updating our sites. She can do all things that give strength through Christ Jesus, and you can too.


Sincere Regards,  


John R. Buchtel High School Class of 1967 

Reunion/Birthday Committee (JRBHS) 


Becky, Carol, Cathy, Rod, Roger, Yvonne, and Beverly  


 Links to Zoom Tutorials:




Share the link to our website: http://www.buchtel1967.myevent.com 

DST/Daylight Savings Time






If this 2020 email below OR any of the above PRIOR TO August 2023 is the last one you received, please notify YJB 


Hello Classmate!
Hope you're having a great day and the final weeks of Summer 2020!
We are saddened by the senseless losses of dear lives our country has experienced these past days and years.  Human lives matter, otherwise God would not have created us.  Whether natural causes or unforeseen, death is a fact of life. We can only continue to pray and love one another because death and grief will one day affect us all. 
On a happier note!  The 2020 COVID19 Pandemic - LORD willing should be a conquered historical medical phenomenon of our past.  Just like polio, whooping cough, tuberculosis, measles, mumps, etc., prevelant in our youth, not obliterated now, but controlled.  

Class of 1967!  We are excited! We are trying our best to stay healthy, safe, and keeping our personal boundaries(aka social distancing).  We are looking forward to seeing you soon, whether it is virtual or in person.   It won't be too late to attend the celebration.  We will be happy to see you either way.  Anyone may join at our 'Vociferous Virtual Video Celebration', what shall we plan to do?
We can have a virtual Class Reunion meeting.  Can you believe in 2022 it will be our fifty-fifth (55th)!  If you have suggestions and/or comments please send them to us.
 We sincerely hope and pray that our Sensational Seventieth Birthday Party was not our last in person gathering.  We are all looking  forward to a better day.
Best Wishes, 
JRBHS c/o 1967 
Reunion/Birthday Committee
Yvonne, Carol, Becky, Roger, and Beverly

I will be looking into more virtual meeting sites including Google, 
waiting for the newest version.
